Trail Rededication
October 31, 2022
Elachee celebrates addition of interpretive signage along the Ed Dodd Loop hiking trail.
Back to Our Roots
October 31, 2022
Native peoples expertise in their natural world impacted their diets and wellbeing.
Vote Elachee
October 31, 2022
Thank you to the Gainesville/Hall County community!
Elachee Goes Batty
October 03, 2022
Separate myth from truth regarding one of nature's most misunderstood animals, the bat.
Hiking Herpetology 101
August 31, 2022
Why, How and What to Do to Stay Snake-bite Safe
Backyard Biota
August 31, 2022
Learn more about four backyard tenants who take advantage of your passive green space.
Testing a Hypothesis
August 15, 2022
Is Chicopee Lake performing a water quality treatment function within the watershed?
Turtley Awesome
July 29, 2022
Did you know that while all tortoises are turtles, not all turtles are tortoises?
What is Damaging Oak Leaves?
June 30, 2022
It is not leaf rot, but rather moth larvae feeding on the leaf tissue that is impacting foliage in northeast Georgia.
June 30, 2022
How do Chicopee Lake and the Chicopee Woods fit into the bigger watershed called the Upper Walnut Creek watershed?